Castle Season 4 Spoilers: Who's the Boss?

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One death. One shooting. One admission of love.

The Castle season finale - reviewed HERE - left fans confused, shocked and excited for season four. How might the events from last night affect developments ahead? Creator Andrew Marlowe offered a few hints in an interview with TV Guide...

Stunned Beckett

Will we meet a new boss? That's one of the opportunities we're looking to take. Everybody's getting along really well in the precinct, and we think there can be a little more conflict. We think it's interesting to grow Beckett and Castle by having somebody who may not look as favorably on Beckett as the Captain did or may not look as favorably on the Castle-Beckett relationship. That's all stuff we're plotting out for next year as we speak.

About that mystery man connected to Johanna Beckett's murder... Next season, with Castle knowing somebody is out there, [Beckett] becomes his responsibility. It changes the nature of their relationship and makes it significantly more interesting, especially given what happens the last 10 seconds of the show.

What else can be previewed about season four? There's going to be a real push and pull between Beckett and Castle. Beckett's going to want to look into [this new mystery man] and Castle's going to have very specific reasons why he doesn't want her to. He'll end up with a little more information than she has, and he can't be honest with her about it. It's going to cause a complexity in their relationship that's going to be interesting.

Visit TV Guide to read the full interview with Marlowe.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Castle Quotes

This isn't one of your books, Castle!


Kate: Are you here to annoy me?
Castle: I'm here for the story.