Smallville to Turn Back the Clock Tonight

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Smallville is going retro tonight ... all the way back to 2001.

This is no ordinary repeat! Prior to the CW series resuming its final season a week from tonight (April 15), a special presentation of the pilot episode airs this evening.

It's hard to believe it's been a full decade since we met a teenage Clark Kent, then largely unaware of his legendary destiny. What a great ride it's been ever since.

Here's a sneak peek of tonight's encore of the Smallville pilot:

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Smallville Quotes

I saw me, I mean, Clark Kent, disguised behind glasses and a bad haircut.


We'll have a better chance surviving your dad's desert than Zod's Thunderdome.
