Smallville Series Finale Spoiler: Here Comes the Bride...

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Can you hear those wedding bells, Smallville fans? You will on May 13.

With just a few episodes remaining for this iconic series, TV Guide Magazine has teased the wedding (picture here) that will conclude the drama, as Lois and Clark finally celebrate their big day. But it won't be easy.

"It's a very, very long walk down that aisle," says producer Kelly Souders. "There are some good moments, some heart-wrenching moments and some surprising moments at their wedding."

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Oliver and Chloe will play key roles in the ceremony, Souders says, adding that the finale will not be "what you expect."

"I will just say that there are moments directly before and after this photo that, even seeing the footage for the 50th time, I still get a little teary."

Before we even get there, of course, plenty of developments will take place. For example, get your first look at the return of Zod NOW.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Smallville Quotes

I saw me, I mean, Clark Kent, disguised behind glasses and a bad haircut.


We'll have a better chance surviving your dad's desert than Zod's Thunderdome.
