Gossip Girl Caption Contest 152

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Welcome back to the 152nd Gossip Girl Caption Contest at TV Fanatic!

This week's Caption Contest winner is GSparks28. Congratulations!

Honorable mentions go to Jenna Hamed, MissRooobin, Audreyhep and DrCerrenoMD. The winning entry appears below. Thanks to all for playing and good luck next week!

Cousins Out to Lunch

Serena: There are two things you need to know if you want to survive in this world, Charlie. First is Gossip Girl. She knows everybody's business. She knows everything about everyone. That's why her blog is so big, it's full of secrets.
Charlie: And what's the second thing?
Serena: Stay away from hum-drum Humphrey because that Labrador is mine.

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Gossip Girl Quotes

Better lock it down with Nate, B. Clock is ticking.

Gossip Girl

Mrs. Waldorf: If you're gonna wear one of my designs, at least tell me so we can have it fitted.
Blair: Thanks, mom.