"Very Big" Meredith-Derek Story Coming Up on Grey's Anatomy This Spring

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Want more Meredith and Derek, Grey's Anatomy fans? You're in luck.

The Alzheimer's clinical trial, which the golden couple has been laboring over this season, will soon become the catalyst for a new storyline, according to TV Guide.

"We've been using the clinical trial for a while and it's going to launch into a very big story about them as we head towards the end of the season," Shonda Rhimes says.

Any theories on what that might entail? A legal wedding, perhaps?

Mer and Der Look On

Meredith and Derek have been on the back burner at times this season.

Cristina and her PTSD. Lexie and Mark's relationship. Callie's pregnancy and tribulations with Arizona. All of this has been great, but left some yearning for more MerDer.

This season has been especially unfortunate for Mer, who tragically suffered a miscarriage in the Season 6 finale, then took fertility drugs that left her temporarily blind.

"Meredith and Derek have been dealing with infertility, and it's starting to be a really sore point," Rhimes said, hinting that the pregnancies around her haven't helped.

"Part of [the musical episode] is about really bringing up how painful it is for Meredith watching other people get pregnant, have babies and deal with that other stuff."

Think it'll happen for them this spring? Sound off below.

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.