That's Rich: Who Will Die on The Vampire Diaries?

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Yes, this is already my second column dedicated to The Vampire Diaries. Forgive me. The show is awesome.

But it's also on hiatus until April 7, which has given me a lot of time to ponder how the second season might end. Because this is a series that delivers jaw-dropping twists at the conclusion of almost every episode, there's only one way it can ratchet up the shock on May 12:

Via a major character death.

So, who is the most likely to join bite the bullet... or, possibly, stake? I've listed the candidates below.

Tyler: At some point, he'll need to choose between his species and his friends. I can foresee him making the ultimate sacrifice in the name of the latter, returning triumphantly on the finale, taking werewolf form and sacrificing himself as he kills Klaus.
Odds: 3-1

John: Would feel like somewhat of a cop out, considering last season also concluded with him getting stabbed. But would also prove that he really does care about Elena's well-being, and would enable the show to kill off a significant character while avoiding any of the core individuals.
Odds: 6-1

Jeremy: Could Elena handle the death of another family member? Jeremy's death would send this character on a season three tailspin. Sad? Yes. Intriguing? Definitely.

Alaric: Has, unfortunately, been limited throughout the season. Producers have admitted they haven't come up with much for Alaric - he'll never be referred to here as "Ric" - to do. If he were to die, Jenna could finally discover the truth and head into the fall seeking major vengeance. A nice twist.
Odds: 20-1

Damon: Would create more anger than Justin Bieber's recent haircut.
Odds: 250,000,000-1

Your turn, TV Fanatic? Do you think a character will die on the season finale? If so, who do you want it to be? Hope it will be?

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
