Jorge Garcia on Fringe: First Look!

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Fringe will not air a new episode until March 11. But the Fox drama has come up with a great way to keep fans buzzing during this brief hiatus:

By releasing a spoiler-iffici photo of next Friday's special guest star, Jorge Garica. The Lost actor will make a cameo as a Massive Dynamic employee and is seen here in a scene opposite Walter:

Jorge Garcia on Fringe

Entertainment Weekly first published this image and you can visit that official website to watch a unique preview for "Os."

On the episode, look for the team to investigate a case involving the laws of gravity; and for Walter to desperately work to reverse the damage he’s caused to the fabric of the universe.

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Fringe Quotes

Walter: It's a shame I don't have a lab. I'd like to examine him.
Peter: You do have a lab, Walter. Your lab at Harvard.
Walter: Yes. I do, don't I?

Just your average multi-national corporation specializing in secret bio research and defense contracting. Massive Dynamic. Seems like such an innocent name for a corporation, don't you think?


Fringe Music

  Song Artist
Song Poor Little Fool Ricky Nelson iTunes
Dear Mr. Fantasy Traffic iTunes
Blue Bayou Roy Orbison iTunes