Smallville to Make Like The Hangover

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Stop us if you've heard this before: A CW series will be airing an episode that pays homage to The Hangover, setting up its character to forget a wild night of drinking.

Indeed, exactly one month after One Tree Hill gave us Brooke's bachelorette party, Smallville will take viewers to Metropolis' version of Las Vegas.

Blatantly describing the February 25 installment as "our fun Hangover episode," Brian Peterson says to TV Guide: "Clark won't remember what happened the night before."

Smallville Season 10 Poster

We know, we know: superheroes are impervious to the effects of alcohol. But Zatanna will spike champagne that will result in the "wild side of everybody," teases producer Kelly Souders.

"We all wake up in different places in bizarre situations involving weird outfits and animals," adds Erica Durance. "I wake up out on the train tracks with Oliver and realize I can't find my engagement ring."

This development will lead to encounter with casino owner Amos Fortune, a villain DC Comics initially introduced in 1961.

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Smallville Quotes

I saw me, I mean, Clark Kent, disguised behind glasses and a bad haircut.


We'll have a better chance surviving your dad's desert than Zod's Thunderdome.
