Bones Upcoming Episode Details: Snipers, Spinoffs, Blizzards and B-Squared

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The producers of Bones still don't know the future of Booth and Brennan, but some upcoming episode details may offer hints at where they're headed and much, much more.

Next Thursday, in the show's first new episode of the year, Brennan’s confession of her feelings for Booth in the December 9 cliffhanger will be addressed, and immediately.

The fallout from Brennan opening Pandora’s box again will be a major focus of the second half of the season, executive producer Stephen Nathan tells Entertainment Weekly.

Booth, Brennan Embrace

What's to come for these two? Read on for plenty of teasers.

“We’re dealing with how does this make Brennan feel, how does she move forward, what is the pain that she now carries with her after this confession," he says.

"How does all of this affect Booth and Hannah? Does Booth keep that conversation a secret from Hannah? That wouldn’t make their relationship very solid."

That's true, but on the flip side, "If he does tell Hannah, how does that make her feel, and what does that do with her relationship with Brennan?”

A lot of this will be dealt with in the much-anticipated episode in which Booth (David Boreanaz) and Brennan (Emily Deschanel) get stuck alone together in an elevator.

This episode, which will air in February or March, will be directed by Boreanaz (who’s also behind the camera on January 27, for the first of the three sniper episodes).

“There is a blizzard in Washington, which should really ring true to everybody in the East,” Nathan says, laughing. “All the electricity goes out in Washington, and the Jeffersonian is forced to solve this murder very, very quickly because they discover the body is of someone who has a highly contagious disease. There’s no evidence that this disease is out in the world, so the person who killed this woman could be Patient Zero, the person who starts an epidemic."

"They have to do this with no fancy electronics or no fancy technology from the Jeffersonian. We’re going back to the days before CSI and grand technology to solve the murder. There’s one wonderful sequence where they have to take an X-ray with no X-ray machine, and they find out how to do it. During this, Booth and Brennan are trapped in an elevator in his apartment building. Alone."

"So we have all of that fun with Booth and Brennan trapped together, and Brennan trying to solve this murder, and the only thing they really have are their cellphones until their batteries run out. It’s gonna be a great episode for the people who want to see Booth and Brennan be in love and a great episode for all the geeks out there who love the science.”

This episode is not to be confused with the February 17 Valentine’s Day episode, which has Booth and Brennan alone together. That one, Nathan is more coy about.

“They both find themselves alone, both hating Valentine’s Day, and somehow wind up doing something which is very unique to Booth and Brennan,” he teases.

Other teasers from Nathan:

  • In the aforementioned blizzard episode, “Angela and Hodgins are gonna have to deal with some news that they get involving Angela’s pregnancy,” Nathan says.
  • An episode, on February 10, with a murder set in the world of BMX. With two proposals on the way, this looks like a likely candidate for one - if not both - of them.
  • An episode that takes place in the world of Radical Honesty, involving group of people who believe the world would be a better place if everyone were always honest.
  • An episode that features a bunch of feet washing up on the border between Canada and the United States (seriously), leading us to a border dispute and a body farm.
  • An episode that features The Locator, the character being considered for a potential Bones spinoff series, and will likely air in April. They hope to shoot in February.

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Bones Quotes

You're looking at her fruits?

Booth[to Sweets]

Booth: You sound really squinty right now.
Aubrey: I'm a child of the nineties, you know. Computers are kind of my thing.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
Fearless Cyndi Lauper iTunes
The World Is... Matthew Ryan iTunes
Song Rain Or Shine Matthew Perryman Jones