TV Fanatic Mid-Season Report Card: 90210 12/15/2010

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With most prime time shows on hiatus, TV Fanatic is taking a look back at some buzzed-about programs and grading their performance this fall, with a look toward 2011. First up: Private Practice.

In this edition: 90210.

Best episode: "Catch Me If You Canon." Silver and Naomi tried to trap Mr. Canon this week, only for him to turn the tables and stick a therapist on the former. It was a twist I didn't see coming.

Boys Go Surfing

Best character: Naomi. Even when suffering through a miserable experience, the character throws out the occasional one-liner and has clearly evolved over the years. She's far from the one-note pompous rich girl we met on season one.

Worst character: Annie. In case Jasper didn't ruin her forever, the show made sure to bury this high schooler with incomprehensibly boring storylines that involve egg donation and a relationship with Charlie.

Most misused character: Dixon. Remember him? Funny, outgoing dude? Annie's adopted brother? He hasn't done much of anything.

Best storyline: The illegal activity of Navid's father. First, it was fresh. Seriously, how many other shows can you think of that have given us an underage porn star storyline? Second, it planted the seeds of what will clearly be a major development on the second half of the season: Navid and Silver as a couple.

Hopes for 2011: Drama between the friends. I'm sick of everyone getting along so well. It never feels natural to see the guys all shooting pool and the girls lying together on the beach. We need some real tension between these students.

Also: more of Liam shirtless; less of Adrianna as a cartoonish, fame-obsessed celebrity and more of her as a layered individual truly attempting to balance her dreams with her life at home; continued respect paid to Teddy and his self-realization; an Adrianna sex tape scandal.

Overall grade: C.

Agree with this assessment? Disagree? Weigh in now in our 90210 forum!

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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