What's Ahead of Teddy on 90210?

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In a development very frustrating to this critic, 90210 spoiled one of its biggest third season storylines over the summer: Teddy will struggle with his sexuality this year and eventually admit that he's gay.

To the show's credit, however, the matter is being handled delicately and slowly, as Trevor Donovan says will continue to be the case on tonight's new episode and beyond.

"Teddy's story has been about how painful and confusing this situation can be, and it won't be OK for him any time soon," the actor told TV Guide. "Acceptance doesn't happen overnight, like, 'Oh! This is who I am!' This isn't an afterschool special. Teddy's fighting it."

Gone Gay

On "I See London, I See France," Teddy will consider classmate Ian as a partner for the first time. Later this season, he'll attend a male strip club - but look for that to be a case of too much, too soon.

"He's trying to understand where his feelings are coming from, if they're real or if it's just a phase," Donovan says. "He figures being in that environment could be a litmus test."

When things grow uncomfortable, Teddy will call Ian for help.

While many believe this storyline was a desperate move by 90210 to shake things up and improve ratings, Donovan choose to focus on the positive aspects of the surprising revelation.

"No one would have guessed Teddy was gay - myself included," he says. "He was a womanizer, a hardcore athlete.. there was nothing stereotypically gay about him. He is tip-toeing into self realization, and to me, that feels a lot more authentic."

How do you think this plot is playing out? Sound off now in our 90210 forum!

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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