Smallville Spoilers Galore: A Long Look at What's Ahead

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Clark and Lois will get engaged within the next three episodes of Smallville. That major spoiler has already been revealed, but it's just one of many juicy nuggets producers Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders shared with reporters this week.

Sit back and take this long look at what's ahead on season 10...

A "badass" return. That's how Peterson describes the appearance of Chloe on December 10: "She comes back as very true to the character that she is, as a very strong person but still very much Chloe."

Tom Welling Photo

The return of Martha Kent. How will the VRA play a role in Annette O'Toole reprising the role of Clark's mother? Says Souders: "When the world puts pressure on her son, Martha Kent is not one to shy away from the challenge," Souders says.

Making like Fringe. When Smallville returns after its Thanksgiving hiatus, Lionel Luthor will be back, featured in an episode that takes place in an alternate universe that "ties into the DC Universe," says Peterson. Do NOT miss the end of it, Souders teases.

As for Darkseid... "We've purposely kept that at a slow burn because we want to ramp it up in the second half of the season, because it works with the theme of how evil works: It does creep up on you.. it will play pretty significantly in the second half of the season," says Peterson.

Will Clark ever go public? Take it away, Souders: "That is what he is going to struggle with in the last half as he realizes that he isn't quite in the Clark Kent-Superman world yet. And we have a ways to go. It definitely weighs on him. The pressure gets really turned up on the whole JLA at the end of this run."

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Smallville Quotes

I saw me, I mean, Clark Kent, disguised behind glasses and a bad haircut.


We'll have a better chance surviving your dad's desert than Zod's Thunderdome.
