Anika Noni Rose on The Good Wife Character: Vote for Wendy Scott-Carr!

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It was the announcement that rocked The Good Wife: Wendy Scott-Carr is now running against Peter Florrick and Glenn Childs for state's attorney.

How does actress Anika Noni Rose feel about her character's rise to prominence on the show? She spoke about it this week and told us why Illinois residents should cast a vote in her direction...

Why should Wendy be voted into office over Peter and Childs?
I think Wendy has a better finger on the pulse of everyday working people than they do. She’s coming in with a fresh sensibility. She has young children, so she is aware of the things children are facing as challenges right now. And there’s a lack of woman power that is fresh and new and coming in right now. So it’s a good time for her.

Wendy Scott-Carr Photo

Will she run a clean campaign?
I don’t know that any politician is completely clean. But I do think that Wendy is a good person. She knows how to play the game, as witnessed - she popped up there on that stand, and nobody, save the judge, played brilliantly by Kate Burton - knew what was going on. That’s already a bit of a magic trick. How often in this day and age can you do something that nobody knows about? I think she’s a very strong candidate and she is a good person.

Is there any chance Alicia defects to Wendy's campaign?
I wouldn’t be able to say that. I would doubt that, simply because it wouldn’t make sense for her to go directly against her husband and tear her family apart in an all-new way. Her kids are already dealing with a lot of strange situations in the household and wondering if they have to choose between mom and dad, public life and private life, and how that sort of stretches and pulls them. [Alicia] seems to be a really good mom, and I don’t think that she would do that, if only for her children’s sake.

** The Good Wife airs a new episode next week. Get a look at Michael J. Fox guest starring on it NOW.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Good Wife Quotes

Will: I took you in. I hired you. I pushed for you.
Alicia: Will, this was a business decision.
Will: You were poison!

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.