Private Practice Promo: "A Better Place to Be"

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Last night's Private Practice, "Playing God," showed us a new side of Sam. Faced with the decision of whether to treat the man who killed Dell, he did not let history repeat itself.

Things don't get any less complicated or emotional next, as the arrival of Dell's young orphaned daughter, Betsey, stirs up emotions among the doctors, while Pete and Amelia disagree over a surgery to treat a pregnant woman in severe pain.

Check out the promo for next week's Private Practice right here ...

[video url="" title="A Better Place to Be Promo"] [/video]

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Private Practice Quotes

"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches