Gossip Girl Caption Contest 124

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Welcome to the 124th Gossip Girl Caption Contest, Upper East Siders!

This week's Gossip Girl Caption Contest winner is nickyr. Congratulations!

Honorable mentions go out to GSparks28, AL (Awesome Legend) and damonsbabydoll. Thanks to everyone for playing and good luck again in next week's edition!

C. Bass Speaks

Ladies and gentlemen... to my left, with 100 pounds of prostituted angelic goodness ... EVA!
And at my right, with 95 pounds of evil Waldorfing beauty ... BLAIR!

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Gossip Girl Quotes

Better lock it down with Nate, B. Clock is ticking.

Gossip Girl

Mrs. Waldorf: If you're gonna wear one of my designs, at least tell me so we can have it fitted.
Blair: Thanks, mom.