No Ordinary Family Series Premiere Review: A Slow Start

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After watching the series premiere of No Ordinary Family, this is the best I can say: Like Jim Powell and his crime-fighting career, let's hope the show is a slow starter.

The opening episode lacked intrigue, and I found myself wondering how much longer it had to go before the end. Don’t get me wrong, the cast was great, and so was the acting, but the writing left much to be desired.

The Powells

[Photo: ABC]

Michael Chiklis and Julie Benz were wonderful in their parts and I absolutely loved Kay Panabaker’s Daphne. Her lines were the highlight of a mediocre hour. Overall, the casting was great, as Michael and Julie’s interactions were believable as those of disconnected wife and husband attempting to reconnect.

The writing was realistic, and the situations true to form, but something was lacking. I’m not hooked yet.

I say this despite how extremely happy I was to see each member of the family receive a power that matched his/her shortcomings. It was great to see how thrilled JJ was that Stephanie was able to make it home in time to help him with his homework, a rare occasion due to her profession.

Daphne’s character couldn’t be more true to life. Witty, catty, and insecure; everything a teenage girl in high school would be. I really feel like her telepathy gift is going to be more a curse than a power, as she’s already finding out things she doesn’t want to know.

All in all, I haven’t decided if No Ordinary Family a must-watch, but I will pay a compliment to the way the writers had the family discover their powers. I’m also wondering who exactly Stephanie’s boss is? Did he know she was going to Brazil? Did he intervene in any way? I suppose a series that has a pilot leaving you with questions is worth a shot. Count me in for episode two.

Series Premiere Review

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Rating: 3.9 / 5.0 (41 Votes)
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No Ordinary Family Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Stephanie: Who are you texting now?
Daphne: God.

I don't know why you guys can't go without me and just photo shop me in.
