Grey's Anatomy Season Premiere Review: "With You I'm Born Again"

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Okay! So we were all anticipating and wondering how Shonda Rhimes would bring back our beloved surgeons from such a traumatic season finale and I must say, I think she did a pretty decent job with last night's episode, "With You I'm Born Again."

Obviously, you can tell that Lexie is not the only one who is dealing with PTSD and from all the flashbacks that we saw, it looks like every one of our Seattle docs are.

An R-Webb Photo

The only doc that had me laughing and smiling was Chief Weber. Hail to the Chief! Boy! That man has moves! I loved every second of him doing his victory dance.

It was also pretty cute having Meredith be the one to find him. It really solidifies the father-daughter bond that I see growing between them.

Dr. Perkins is the new doc in town trying to figure out who's ready to go back to work and who isn't. By the looks of it, he is not on Meredith's favorite people list. 

One by one each doctor recounts what transpired during and after the mass murder. Here is a brief summary for each of our main characters:

  • Bailey is still trying to hold everything in her life together with "tape and glue" so she finally confronts her budding romance with Ben and tells him it's just not the right timing.
  • Alex decides to keep the bullet that is lodged inside of him to pick up chicks. He breaks up with Lexie because he can't deal with another crazy chick.
  • Lexie is the most obvious person dealing with PTSD. Sloan commits her and Dr. Perkins releases her back to her job after a good night's rest (or three).
  • Cristina and Owen decide to marry each other. After her meeting with Dr. Perkins, she realizes that she just wants to be a simple woman because no one ever shoots a simple woman.
  • Derek quits his job as chief and gets arrested a bunch of times for speeding. He feels guilty because it was him who the shooter was after.
  • Meredith has yet to tell Derek about the miscarriage. She knows that this is something that could really put Derek (and herself) over the edge, but still wont say anything.
  • Arizona is freaked out that Callie wants to start trying to have a baby, but all she really wants is Arizona to move in permanently. Arizona is overjoyed.
  • Jackson and April are still just trying to fit in.

Because of all the flashbacks of what transpired in last season's finale, I know these issues are just the tip of the iceberg for all of the characters. Something big will have to hit in order for them to move past the experience and work in the same environment again.

One really great part of last night's episode had to be Lexie telling off Alex when she said: "You think that you're so bad ass because you lived, but I'm the reason why you lived. And while you were dying you were crying out for the wife who left you. So that's the opposite of bad ass for whatever it's worth."

I wanted to get inside the TV and give her a high five! Last season I was kind of rooting for them to make it, but after the way he decided to treat her, I am SO over them.

An Alex Karev Photograph

Alex will always be the asshole guy with all the excuses why he's an asshole, but I'm just so over it! He needs a woman in his life that will help him man up. Do you think that woman could be Lexie? Or do you think Lexie and Sloan are MFEO?

All in all, I was pretty happy with the layout Shondra put together for the season premiere. I for one, can't wait to see what's in store for us this season!

Until next week, here are a few of my favorite Grey's Anatomy quotes from last night ...

Cristina: I think your either born simple or you're not. I want to be the person who gets happy over finding the perfect dress. I want to be simple because no one holds a gun to the head of a simple girl. | permalink
Alex: You look hot. The whole crazy eyes, tight dress thing is working for you for whatever it's for.
Lexie: You think that you're so bad ass because you lived, but I'm the reason why you lived. And while you were dying you were crying out for the wife who left you. So that's the opposite of bad ass for whatever it's worth. | permalink
Cristina: I never gave you any crap about your post-it.
Meredith: You look beautiful.
Cristina: I know. How's Owen? Is he good?
Meredith: Owen's perfect. He's perfect.
Cristina: Thank you. | permalink
Derek: (to Dr. Perkins) Life is short. So now I think less and just do. | permalink
Meredith: You're driving awfully fast Dr. Sheppard. Least you could do is wear a seat belt. | permalink
Owen: That was quite a show this morning.
Derek: I didn't plan it.
Owen: That made it even better. Any regrets?
Derek: No, any regrets to proposing to Cristina?
Owen: None.
Derek: Getting shot turns out to not be the worst thing after all.
Owen: I need a best man. I know I know we're not that close, but I don't know, you being married to the other twisted sister I just thought it makes us brothers or something.
Derek: I'd be honored. It's an honor.
Owen: Thank you.
Derek: You need a bachelor party?
Owen: No.
Derek: Even better. | permalink
Callie: Welcome back Doctor Sheppard.
Derek: Thank you Doctor Torres. | permalink
Derek: The truth is I hate being chief. Chief Webber is our chief. | permalink
Cristina: I'm not wearing white - its sexist and vaguely racist. | permalink
Meredith: Every cell in the human body regenerates on average every seven years. Like snakes, in our own way we shed our skin. Biologically we are brand new people. We may look the same, we probably do, the change isn't visible at least in most of us, but we are all changed completely forever. | permalink

With You I'm Born Again Review

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Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 1 Quotes

He's fine, we're all coming back to work today (pause - Meredith is thinking about Derek getting shot) - we are all fine.


Every cell in the human body regenerates on average every seven years. Like snakes, in our own way we shed our skin. Biologically we are brand new people. We may look the same, we probably do, the change isn't visible at least in most of us, but we are all changed completely forever.


Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 1 Music

  Song Artist
Song Midnight Hour Reflection Internal: Talib Kweli & Hi-Tek
Teach You To Fly Wiz Khalifa iTunes
Song Backed Into The Corner Amy Stroup iTunes