Exclusive: Josh Sussman on "Best Episode Ever" of Glee, Season Two and More

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You enchant me.

With that line, Josh Sussman went from being a one-time guest star on Glee without a speaking role... to a recurring character with the hilarious running gag of stalking Rachel Berry (hey, we can't blame the guy!).

In an interview with TV Fanatic, the man with the most famous afro in Hollywood talked excitedly about season two of the show, while also explaining his role on an underrated MTV hit. Read on for excerpts...

Do you have the best hair in Hollywood?
I'm not sure if I'd go that far, but a lot of people wanna touch it when they meet me. Growing up, it wasn't as froey as it is now, so it's sort of taken on a life of its own.

Would you ever challenge Justin Bieber to a hair-off?
[Laughs.] I'm not gonna do that. He has a very loyal following, with that intense Bieber Fever. I'll stay away from that.

Josh Sussman

How did the Glee role come about?
It started as a one episode role. The character was actually supposed to be a jock and a member of the celibacy club. But my manager said if I did a good job, maybe I could show up here and there - and that's what happened. In the original script, I didn't even have any lines. But they quickly gave me the line "Rachel Berry, you enchant me" on the spot and it went from there.

Did you have any idea it would become the phenomenon it's grown into?
It was impossible to know. I remember a friend saying in the beginning: "I hope this show gets picked up because it looks funny." We were afraid fans would forget about it over the summer [after the post-American Idol debut in May 2009]... but they obviously didn't.

Season one was so great and I was wondering: Can they keep it up? But they definitely have. I feel so lucky to be part of something so special. I can't emphasize how good season two is!

What else can you tell us about season two?
Honestly, the Britney Spears episode is the best episode ever. It's SO good. I can't believe the things I even get to do, much better than just feeling Rachel Berry's panties.

Did you meet Britney?
No. I wasn't on the set when she was. But I met John Stamos yesterday and I grew up watching Full House every week. It was amazing. I was on Cloud Nine.

Tell our readers about Warren the Ape.
It airs on MTV and it's a spin-off of Greg the Bunny, which used to be on Fox. It's a mock reality show. Warren is a puppet who worked with Greg and, when that show got canceled, turned to drugs and alcohol.

He has therapy every week with Dr. Drew and I play his assistant, Cecil. Warren is so abusive of me, but I let it roll off my shoulders because I'm such a fan of his. We've had such amazing guest stars this season, from Sarah Silverman to Eugene Levy. I even got to hit Seth Green with a car.

The season finale (with Corey Feldman) is Monday. Episodes are available online.

Any other projects in the works?
I'm doing a voiceover for a new Disney show called Fish Hooks. It comes out in the fall. I've never done voiceover before. It's very cool. I play a mean crab, so it's my first villainous role.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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