Will Jason George Return to Grey's Anatomy?

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Having scored a role on a new series, will Jason George, who plays Bailey's boyfriend Ben, be back next season on Grey's Anatomy? TV Guide addresses this topic today.

Jason George's role on Off the Map, Shonda Rhimes' midseason show (her third for ABC), doesn't necessarily mean Bailey's romance is over, according to Chandra Wilson.

Whatever happens, she says the relationship is important for Dr. Bailey's growth.

"How many of us go through long-term relationships that end and then you have to sit there and figure out what to do now?" the perennial Emmy Award nominee says.

"That's her journey. It was about discovery and how it changes her personality."

Bailey, New Love Interest

Would you like to see more of Bailey and Ben on Grey's Anatomy?

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.