The Vampire Diaries Death Pool: Who Will Die on the Season Finale?

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Death is coming to Mystic Falls.

Producers have confirmed that at least one significant character will die on this week's season finale of The Vampire Diaries, a twist that has fans in an understandable uproar.

While some believe the show will shock us and kill off Stefan or Damon, allow us to put those rumors to rest: ain't gonna happen. But anyone else? Pretty much fair game.

As fans in our Vampire Diaries forum debate which character is the most likely go, we weigh the odds of all Mystic Falls residents below...

He's scarcely been seen over the last few weeks, meaning storylines don't require his presence. But the show has teased him as a werewolf and it seems unlikely they'd kill him off before delving more deeply into this side of him.
Odds of dying: 25-1

Will nice guys really finish last? Killing off Matt would raise Caroline's profile, giving her a personal stake (get it?!?) in the dangerous town shenanigans, while also delivering a blow to Elena.
Odds of dying: 10-1

Tyler Lockwood Photo
Katerina Graham as Bonnie
Miss Mystic Falls Hopeful
Matt Plays Pool
Uncle John Gilbert

She's set Stefan and Damon up for a fall, but might guilt overwhelm this witch? If she changes her mind about turning on her BFF, it's not hard to see Bonnie trading her life for one of the Salvatores.
Odds of dying: 20-1

She's perfectly nice and all, but would anyone miss her if she were gone? Plus, as Miss Mystic Falls, she'll be sitting on top of a float. In other words: a prime target.
Odds of dying: 12-1

This would be welcome news for fans of David Anders. The actor that plays John Gilbert would likely stick around if Aunt Jemma went the way of Elena's adopted parents. After all, who would get custody of Jeremy and Elena without Jenna in the picture? The latter's birth father, of course.
Odds of dying: 15-1

John Gilbert
Our best guess. Here's what we see transpiring: John is killed before Elena learns that he was her birth father. Once she discovers this information - and that Stefan kept it from her - Elena will creep closer and closer to the open arms of Damon.
Odds of dying: 5-1


Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
