House Season Six Report Card: B-

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The season may be over, but that doesn't mean the time to offer up critiques on various shows, characters and actors is finished.

As we head into the summer, TV Fanatic will be grading and reviewing a number of the small screen's biggest hits. First, we gave The Vampire Diaries a perfect score. Now, on to House!

What did we think of season six? Who was its best character? Where do we hope it goes next year? Read on. Find out. Chime in.

Best character: Gregory House. Would be difficult to choose anyone else on a show titled House. But Hugh Laurie should win an Emmy for his work on the first and final episodes alone. These gave us insight into a different side of the cantankerous doctor. He was vulnerable, sober, trying to be nice, but struggling with the consequences.

The show has a fine line to walk between evolving House into a better person, and keeping his edge, which is what makes the drama work in the first place. This season got docked a couple grades because it had trouble with this balancing act; too often, House would spend a couple weeks just being the same old jerk. We could have been watching episodes from season two. But he remains one of the most fascinating, well-portrayed characters in TV history.

Worst character: Eric Foreman. Talk about a lack of character evolution! They tried to bring his brother in this season, just to give Foreman something interesting to do or say. He failed on both accounts.

An Attempt to Reason

Best episode: The easiest answer would be the two-hour season premiere, which focused solely on House in a mental hospital. It was riveting stuff. But let's go with "Wilson" and "5 to 9." These unique episodes shined the light on House's main two supporting players; with Robert Sean Leonard and Lisa Edelstein proving the drama can remain as interesting as ever, even without House at the controls.

Best storyline: The friendship between Wilson and House. It's more of a relationship than a "storyline," really, but these two are used for more than just comedic purposes at this point. Their interactions bring out the best and the worst in each character. Without Wilson to call House out on his BS, the latter might never take the necessary steps toward change.

Hopes for 2010: A stable Huddy. Producer Katie Jacobs has already promised this will happen, but it's still important to note. No more back and forth, no more games. Let's see what happens when these two really give it a shot.

Overall grade: B-. House is unlike any show on TV. It's part comedy, part drama, part procedural. The latter fact makes each episode's structure predictable, but the focus on House himself gives the show room to change things up. Or at least it should.

This season sometimes failed to depict House's struggle to evolve, however. We were never sure whether he'd be his classic obnoxious self each week, or a version that was at least trying to grow.

Typical episodes depicted the former, while incredible, in-depth character studies in the premiere and finale gave us the latter. With Laurie on board, though, we'll look forward to Monday nights for as long as this show is on the air.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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House Quotes

Our entire relationship is about you. My dying is about me!


[To Foreman} That'd be redundant. I've got an angry black guy waiting for me to drop the soap right here.
