Cary to Switch Teams on The Good Wife

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Cary Agos is no longer a member of Stern, Lockhart & Gardner.

Beat out by Alicia for the coveted junior associate spot on last week's episode of The Good Wife, where will this bitter character end up?

The promo for tomorrow night's new installment gives fans a good idea, but let's hear it from Matt Czuchry himself:

"The next episode, there is a scene where I go off on Alicia and take a job from Childs. The final episode of the season is Cary actually over there. That’s something that they could have taken at least two or three episodes to explore, and it still would have been great, but they just jumped right to it," the actor told

Cary Picture

Czuchry continued:

"I think the show constantly does that - with each episode, you see these different twists and turns, they don’t hold back. Cary feels betrayed by the fact that he thought Stern, Lockhart & Gardner was his new family. It took him awhile to get to that place, but... he feels betrayed by Alicia and lets her know it. This was the biggest moment in Cary’s life - getting fired from a job like this, his first job out of law school.

"At that age, it just rocks your world. It’s a huge turning point for him. Once you feel that deep sense of loss, you will not miss any crumb of an opportunity to get back to the top. That’s what we see in the next episode. He’s not gonna be fooled to think that the workplace is his alternate family."

The Good Wife airs a new episode tomorrow night.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Good Wife Quotes

Will: I took you in. I hired you. I pushed for you.
Alicia: Will, this was a business decision.
Will: You were poison!

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.