Scandalous Grey's Anatomy Hookup Confirmed: Mark and ...

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We've been debating who is involved in the big Grey's Anatomy breakup and hookup for weeks - and we now have the answer to one of the two without an episode even airing.

Sometimes, we think it'd be more fun if they were less liberal with the spoilers. Don't you want to watch things unfold? Why the obsession with leaking every detail, Shonda?

Still, we post them because as the #1 Grey's Anatomy fan community, we want to hear your thoughts on all developments, past, present and future. So here we go ...


Mark's McSteamy ways are about to return ... but with whom, at what consequence?

  • The breakup is, sadly, the one you're all assuming ... and we'll leave it at that.
  • The hookup is Mark and Reed, and Lexie is not going to hide her disapproval.

This includes taking little jabs at Reed in front of patients. Clearly, Lexie is not over Mark ... but rather than a deal breaker, this could be the catalyst for them reuniting.

That makes sense, and many fans of Mark and Lexie will surely be happy if it comes true. As for the couple splitting up, there are still two prime candidates out there.

How do you feel about this? And do you think the breakup is Callie and Arizona or Cristina and Owen? Share your Grey's Anatomy thoughts below!

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.