Private Practice Spoilers: Let the Death Pool Begin!

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The cat is out of the bag. On the May 13 season finale of Private Practice, someone dies.

An original, popular Private Practice cast member. This is not small-time stuff here.

Who do you think it is? Here's a look at why (or why not) it could be anyone ...

Addison Montgomery

Why she'll die: She's the star of the show, which would be huge for buzz.
Why she'll live: She’s the star of the show. Likely an unpopular choice.

Pete Wilder

Why he'll die: To dramatically alter several ongoing story lines.
Why he'll live: To continue the ongoing, dramatic story lines.

Naomi Bennett

Why she'll die: Audra McDonald's schedule; So Addison and Sam can be together.
Why she'll live: Addison's BFF has been a surprisingly deep, valuable character.

Original Private Practice Cast

Which of these characters is living on borrowed time?

Cooper Freedman

Why he'll die: All the pent-up stress gives him heart problems?
Why he'll live: Because we'd really miss the comic relief.

Charlotte King

Why she'll die: Charlotte has always been a bit of an outcast.
Why she'll live: She's awesome, and you need that outcast.

Dell Parker

Why he'll die: The show never seems to know what do do with him anyway.
Why he'll live: Very popular with fans, still untapped character potential.

Sam Bennett

Why he'll die: So entwined that it would rock the show for years to come.
Why he'll live: Taye Diggs is too hot.

Violet Turner

Why she'll die: She's distant, emotionally unstable, and the worst mom ever.
Why she'll live: The redemption of Violet would make for a great story too.

Well, who do you think will die this season on Private Practice? Vote in our survey below, and leave us comments with your reasoning as well ...

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Private Practice Quotes

"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches