Jessica Lowndes: Same-Sex Storyline on 90210 is "Important"

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We admit it: when reports first surfaced that said Adrianna would get involved in a same-sex relationship this spring on 90210, we were skeptical.

After all, when most shows go this route, it's a clear, desperate plea for ratings and attention (yes, we're looking at you, Heroes).

But 90210 has proven us wrong. The connection between Gia and Adrianna has played out slowly, maturely. They're acting like any other couple on the show, which Jessica Lowndes says is important to the storyline.

"There has been a response from people who have come up to me who have been affected by it," the actress told The Los Angeles Times this week. "This is truly going on in high school and people are confused and I love that we’re showing somebody like my character, who is confused.”

Adrianna Photo

As for the kiss Adrianna and Gia shared last episode, Lowndes says it was a bit awkward between her and Rumer Wills at first:

“We got a laugh between takes. Yeah, the first one was like, OK [squeals], let’s not think about it. But, at the end of the day, you’re telling a story and you can’t get in your head over it. You got to just do the work and I think the scene comes out really great. I’m very proud of it.”

More than any other character, Adrianna has gone through a lot on the show. Lowndes does her best to relate to each situation.

"I have no personal experience with... the drug addiction, the pregnancy and now the questioning her sexuality. But I think it’s definitely important.”

In closing, Lowndes says her character's relationship with Navid isn't finished yet. She shared a few 90210 spoilers with the newspaper, focusing on the episodes and conversations ahead.

"There’s definitely going to be a conversation to be had and their significant others are bound to get jealous just because they are so connected," she teased. "I think that causes a lot of insecurity in their new partners’ lives. Lots of insecurities.”

We can't wait to see what happens next.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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