Gossip Girl: The Plus-Minus Reality Scale

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The Gossip Girl plus-minus reality index from New York Magazine is never to be missed. Their Tuesday rundown of the previous evening's episode is one of the best pieces of Gossip Girl coverage out there (at least one of the best not on TVF!

Some highlights from their take on "The Unblairable Lightness of Being" ...

  • Depressed Chuck is wearing black silk pajamas, not purple. Plus 3.
  • Because she must dress at all times a little like a hooker, Serena is wearing a black sheer ensemble even though it's early in the morning and she's supposedly just going to the Humphreys for breakfast. Plus 1.
  • Nate gives Chuck a cup of coffee and says: "Here, drink this," as though he's an old lady dispensing folk remedies in a village of 11 people. Other people know about coffee, dude. Plus 3. Then Plus 3 more when Chuck pours booze in it.
Married Dorota!
  • Plus 4 for Dorota looking so beautiful. Plus 1 for Cyrus being an adorable MC, even though it didn't quite make sense that he'd have the honors.
  • We love Dorota and Vanya, but the way the writers are treating them like they've come from Borat's Kazakhstan is starting to bug us. Minus 4
  • Dorota could not have "raised Blair." She is like 30. Minus 1.
  • Chuck brought peonies, Blair's favorite. Plus 1 for him knowing that, Minus 1 for us knowing that. Wash.
  • OOHHH NOOO. Eric found the dreaded teenage bisexual! Feared by pretty girls with low self-esteems and confident gays everywhere. Plus 10.
  • Eleanor wouldn’t know what Bing is, let alone use Bing to look for a wedding location. Minus 10, product-placement requirements be damned.
  • There is ALWAYS time to tell your boyfriend you're leaving the state. Especially in Queens already, and therefore closer to the airports. Minus 2.

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Serena: Did you just get a key?
Girl: Yep. And my mom said I'd never get in unless I lost 10 pounds. She's a bitch.