Gossip Girl Producers: Chuck & Blair Will Always Be There

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While Gossip Girl fans have been hearing rumblings about how tragic things may get in upcoming episodes - starting with what appears to be a haunting, Indecent Proposal-esque episode tonight - Gossip Girl's show-runners say not to give up on Chair.

"The thing that fans should know that hopefully is reassuring," Josh Schwartz says. "is that Chuck and Blair are always top of mind to me and [Stephanie Savage]."

"There's been a long-term plan in place since the very beginning of the show about them as a couple, and Chuck and Blair will always be there, top of mind."

"A lot of times on shows like these," Josh continues, "fans live and die week to week in terms of what happens with their favorite couples. Obviously if they only stay together and are happy, people will complain, and if they're fighting, people will, too."

Chair Discussion

The saga of Chair takes a dramatic turn tonight ... but it's not over.

"Narratively, Chuck and Blair have been the most sustained couple we've had on the show. Many other Gossip Girl couples have come and gone in the time that Chuck and Blair and their romance has been in the forefront, and the driving edge of other stories."

"Chuck and Blair have been there since the first episode," Savage adds. "You see them come together in the pilot, the second-to-last scene, and you feel the electricity of these two minds meeting and about to embark on a scheme."

"We got them together in episode seven and have been telling that story ever since."

But what about tonight's "Inglorious Bassterds," and the events therein?

We'll see the ramifications of Chuck losing his hotel at the hands of evil Uncle Jack Bass and the ominous twist involving Blair that lead to that genius promotional display in an NYC storefront. Turns out, that window was Stephanie's brainchild.

"I was in the Matthew Williamson store," she says, "and the beautiful dress Blair wears in this episode was in the store, and I had this weird, tingly feeling, like, 'I have a secret! I know something about this dress that no one else in this store knows."

And thus the idea for the ultimate "Inglorious Bassterds" display was born.

"Wouldn't it be cool if there was a way that we could do something with that?' So I called [Gossip Girl stylist] Eric Daman, and our publicity people got the Matthew Williamson people together on the same page, and we just threw it together."

"We did it in a couple of days, indie-music-video style, like, who's got a TV? We just did it ourselves." Awesome, right? Definitely the exact sort of thing that's vintage Gossip Girl.

What do you think of these thoughts on Chuck and Blair? Reassuring? What do you predict happens tonight, and how will the couple respond? Comment away.

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Gossip Girl Quotes

Better lock it down with Nate, B. Clock is ticking.

Gossip Girl

Mrs. Waldorf: If you're gonna wear one of my designs, at least tell me so we can have it fitted.
Blair: Thanks, mom.