Dumb Did Her In: Courtney Ousted From Survivor

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On the wrong end of two of the dumbest moves in Survivor history, Courtney found herself the odd man out on Survivor last night and was sent packing by her Villain brethren. 

In an exit interview with Entertainment Weekly Courtney talks about being on the wrong side of Tyson's gaff, her challenge acumen (or lack there of) and the impromptu fashion that will take place weekly between her and Coach at tribal council.

Her take on Russell's approach to her and the game:  Russell is fine. I think he figured out early on that he couldn’t Russell mindf*** me so I was just useless to him so we’re perfectly fine. I don’t have any hatred towards Russell. I think he’s a great player. He’s the evolution of what the game is. He’s redefining it around himself and everyone’s delighted with it. So how can you be mad at that?

Courtney Yates

Her explanation of her lack of participation in challenges: I am, in fact, allergic to challenges. It’s actually in my contract that I play the least amount of any Survivor.

Who will be better dressed at tribal council, her or Coach?  Man, that’s some stiff competition. I think Coach wins it. I’m going to be honest with you. He’s much more of a fashionista than me. I didn’t bring nearly enough dress kimonos. I was ill prepared to sit next to that style icon.

Can she surpass Eliza from Survivor: Vanuatu for best tribal council faces? I don’t know. We were watching together last night. It’s gonna be tough, I hope I can hold a candle to her. She was my jury inspiration.

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Survivor Quotes

I have two little green men protecting me.


It was a little bit like Grant and I were back in school and we got busted by the principal.

Boston Rob