Boston Rob Loses Clash Of The Survivor Titans

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Our hearts were broke last night as Villain-turned-fan-favorite "Boston" Rob Mariano was the latest castaway to be voted off of Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains. 

In an exit interview with Entertainment Weekly Boston Rob talks about getting bested by Russell, what he said to Tyson after being voted out and where his relationship with Coach stands.

On if Russell outplayed him: Did Russell outplay me? It seems as if Russell got the better of me. At the end of the day, he was able to convince Jerri to vote with him and Coach didn’t stand up and do what he said he was going to do, and therefore I’m sitting here talking. Russell — very entertaining, I give him credit. I wouldn’t want him on my team ever! I wanted him gone from the outset. But I’m the one here talking, so he got me.

Boston Rob Looks Tired

What did you say to Tyson upon meeting him after being voted out?  [Laughing] I can’t say that. Since then, we’re reconciled. For me, I just wanted to know why. It didn’t make any sense. It was the first time ever in the three times I played Survivor, even counting Marquesas when I went to Tribal Council and things did not go the way I expected them to go. So I wanted to know why, and to be honest, at the time, he didn’t really have an answer for me. He was basically like, “I screwed up.”

How does his relationship with Coach stand? Look, it’s a game. I get that, always have, and I don’t harbor any ill will or resentment toward anyone. To their credit, they’re lucky they got me out when they did, because had they not, I would have gone a lot further and probably won it.

To read the complete interview, visit

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Survivor Quotes

I have two little green men protecting me.


It was a little bit like Grant and I were back in school and we got busted by the principal.

Boston Rob