Best of Gossip Girl Quotes: "The Hurt Locket"

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Welcome to TV Fanatic! Our staff has diligently compiled dozens of Gossip Girl quotes from Monday night's all-new episode, the show's first in three months, "The Hurt Locket."

Some of our personal favorites appear below.

Scroll down and leave a comment with your favorites or any we left off, and be sure to follow this link for our full library of Gossip Girl quotes (over 1,300) from every episode!

Blair and Mystery Woman
Chuck: I don't have a real mother. I never will.
Blair: But that doesn't mean you've alone. I love you, Chuck, and I'll always be your family. | permalink
Lily: I did kiss him.
Rufus: It must have been one Hell of a kiss for you to build all these lies around it. | permalink
Blair: I originated that innocent, doe-eyed stare. I usually employ it when I know more than I'm willing to let on. | permalink
Jenny: Okay, I don't know what Dan said, but why would you take romantic advice from a guy who has a Cabbage Patch doll? | permalink
Blair: What happened? Don't tell me that awful whore did something to you.
Chuck: I think that whore might be my mother. | permalink
Serena: You don't need Chuck. Anyone that meets you can see you're an elitist snob that belongs in a secret society. Bon chance!
Blair: Merci! | permalink

Blair: Well, I can see my advice went the way of the clog!
Serena: What are you talking about?
Blair: An ugly wooden shoe that tried to make a statement and then disappeared. | permalink
Chuck: You may find this hard to comprehend, but some things are more important than your social climbing agenda. | permalink
Blair: Are you in the hospital? Since I know you're alive, there can be no other possible reason why you'd sacrifice my entire future. | permalink
Dan: I read like five self-help blogs on how to turns friends into lovers. Yes, they used that word. | permalink
Gossip Girl: With enough time, we all find what we're looking for. Even if it was there all along. | permalink
Blair: Chastity belts go very well with formal wear. | permalink
Chuck: One of his concubines had his name tattooed on her ass. I have more important things to do than search for another female member of the Bart Bass fan club. | permalink
Gossip Girl: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Seems Dickens knew something about life on the Upper East Side. | permalink

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Serena: Did you just get a key?
Girl: Yep. And my mom said I'd never get in unless I lost 10 pounds. She's a bitch.