Survivor Exit Interview: Stephenie LaGrossa

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Last night, Stephenie LaGrossa became the second castway on Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains to have her torch extinguished.

And while we'd love to talk about the genius that is Boston Rob at length, it's only right to give LaGrossa a few parting words. She spoke to TV Guide soon after her exit from the show:

On James' post-challenge reaction: He was yelling the whole challenge at everyone, so the moment we lost, he was cursing and looking right at me. I got defensive. It wasn't just me talking... He just lost his stuff... Yes, I was talking during the challenge. We all were.

Goodbye, Stephenie LaGrossa

On her lack of connections: I just didn't have enough numbers. And [J.T., Amanda, Rupert and James] are really close with people on the other side so if they get to the merge, they've got that going for them. So really all I knew was Tom. I never even met Colby before, I just like him as a player.

On J.T. and James: J.T. is supposed to be this really nice guy and he's promising everyone everything and cutting throats. Then James, the "gentle giant," is not so gentle and not a gentleman at all. I'm already voted out, and he still tells me to shut my mouth. Who talks to somebody like that on national television? People are definitely going to turn into villains. I can say true heroes are Tom and Colby.

Read the full interview at and then sound off: Were you happy Stephenie was voted out?

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Survivor Quotes

I have two little green men protecting me.


It was a little bit like Grant and I were back in school and we got busted by the principal.

Boston Rob