Survivor Exit Interview: Jessica Kiper

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The debut of Survivor Heroes vs. Villains attracted 14.2 million viewers on Thursday, the largest audience for the show since 2007.

These fans saw Jessica "Sugar" Kiper become the first castaway to have her torch extinguished on season 20. Below, she talks about the experience...

On getting voted off: "I kind of felt like I was DOA since I arrived. I'm weaker when it comes to challenges. And unless you have a really strong alpha male to keep you through the first're going to go."

So Long, Sugar

On alliances: "I thought that I had a few alliances, not like strong bonds, [but] friends whom I could get together with. That did not happen...I know what happened, and I can't say, but I'm fine with the edit that I got. I must be really bad at puzzles."

On Cirie: "She doesn't have too long, unless she gets with someone who's really weak or someone wants to save her because they think they'll win against her in the end. It could be anybody, because these people are sly."

Read the full interview at E! News.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Survivor Quotes

I have two little green men protecting me.


It was a little bit like Grant and I were back in school and we got busted by the principal.

Boston Rob