Grey's Anatomy Round Table: "The Time Warp"

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Welcome to TV Fanatic's Grey's Anatomy Round Table! Below, our panelists break down some of the hot topics and burning questions from Thursday evening's show.

Topics for "The Time Warp" Round Table include memorable quotes, our favorite (and least favorite) flashbacks, Ells Grey, Callie and Alex, and Bailey's old school hair ...

1. What was your favorite Grey's Anatomy quote from the episode?

M.L. House: Ellis: "Flattery will get you to an on-call room in five minutes or less." I love that sex in the on-call room has been going on at Seattle Grace since the days of bell bottoms and afros.

iheartizzie: Richard: You're gonna make a hell of a surgeon, Dr. Bailey. Lose the smile!

L.J. Gibbs: "God made you short. Who made you quiet?" So little explains so much ...

2. The flashback-heavy episode: A unique change of pace or a boring filler?

L.J. Gibbs: A little of both. I enjoyed seeing the Chief and Ellis - if you're going to do flashbacks, might as well go way back - but the rest felt a little forced to me. Bailey's awesome, don't get me wrong, but was this just Eric Dane and Patrick Dempsey's week off or something?

iheartizzie: Unique change of pace. We got to learn a little bit more about each character's background, while enjoying the same great medical dramas play out. Kudos!

M.L. House: Sorry, but it was a boring filler. The portrayals of various characters were too over the top to take seriously (e.g. Miranda's attending, Callie's overt stage fright) and the episode continues this season's trend of not advancing any interesting story lines.

3. React to Callie and Alex having slept together.

iheartizzie: Hmm. So she sleeps with Alex, then sleeps with George, then decides she likes girls. What does that say about those two in the sack? I'm just asking.

M.L. House: I'm glad this wasn't more than a one-day stand. How come? No nickname works well: Calex? Tarev? Just terrible.

L.J. Gibbs: Up top, Torres! Kidding. Seriously, when we first heard the Grey's Anatomy spoilers that Alex slept with someone in the past, this made perfect sense.

4. Should Miranda go back to the braids?

M.L. House: No. That's a minnow type of look - and this fantastic surgeon is one serious shark!

L.J. Gibbs: Maybe just to mess with us once in awhile.

iheartizzie: Haha, no. Definitely not. Same with the pink glasses ... they just scream "rookie." Or minnow, as it were. Bailey's current look better reflects her in-charge status.

The Flip Side

5. Ellis Grey: A big bitch or the biggest bitch?

L.J. Gibbs: Pretty big, but we knew that from the start about Ellis. The younger version was a lot like I expected. Meredith has mommy issues for a reason, after all.

M.L. House: Let's just say that Ellis should be thankful Kate Gosselin exists, or else she'd have the titled of Biggest Bitch all sewn up. But telling Richard to act like an adult because he doesn't drink vodka? Hard to see what attracted him to this rude woman.

iheartizzie: No comment, but I will say the casting for her was spot-on. Sarah Paulson was terrific, as was J. August Richards as a young Chief. Cute little Mer too!

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.