Best of Grey's Anatomy Quotes: "The Time Warp"

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"The Time Warp" took us back to the days when Richard and Ellis just starting out, Miranda had her own Nazi to deal with, and Callie was apparently sleeping with intern Alex.

Quality Grey's Anatomy quotes were abundant in Thursday's flashback-centric episode. Follow the preceding link for great lines from every episode in the show's six seasons.

Below is a sampling from last night's "The Time Warp" ...

Bailey and Her Old Boss

Before Bailey was the Nazi, she was Mandy, and this chick was her Nazi.

Richard: You're gonna make a hell of a surgeon, Dr. Bailey. Lose the smile! | permalink
Cristina: She was worried about adhesions, right? Give me candy! | permalink
Ellis: I gave birth to a child, Richard. That makes me a mother... it doesn't make me less of a surgeon. | permalink
Ellis: We should leave them, Richard. You leave Adele and I'll leave Thatcher. | permalink
Young Richard: We took an oath. We're supposed to be healers.
Doctor: Ten years ago, you wouldn't even have been allowed in this program. Don't tell me what oath we take. | permalink
Richard: God made you short. Who made you quiet? | permalink
Richard: Make sure you're a shark, but not a minnow. | permalink
Richard: The biggest influences in your life are sitting around you, right now. | permalink
Callie [to Alex]: You're not dorky. You're hot. | permalink
Cristina: She's doing her pee dance. She does that when she has to pee. | permalink
Richard: I am 45 days sober today. I am Richard and I am a grateful and recovering alcoholic. | permalink

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.