Justin Hartley Speaks on Smallville Return, Character

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After weeks off the air, Smallville airs a new episode this Friday. It's titled "Disciple" and it focuses on Oliver's reunion with a face from his dark past.

In an interview with TV Guide Magazine, Justin Hartley talks about what's ahead on The CW drama, starting with The Green Arrow's interactions with a former mentor this week...

On The Dark Archer: He’s this guy from his past, and he’s sort of looking for Ollie to do something for him that he’s not cool with anymore and Oliver is like ‘Yeah, no.’ Then, at one point, arrows are flying everywhere. Lois gets hit. Chloe gets hit.

On Oliver's charming side: I have always said let this guy be f---ed up, let him have flaws. At least he knows that about himself. I think part of that downward spiral [he was earlier this season] was him second-guessing himself.

Instead of asking questions, he just said ‘Well, this must be who I am then. I must be a loser.’ But by facing his demons, literally someone face-to-face from his past—and coming out on top—that kind of reinforces the fact that he’s not a loser. He doesn’t have to be that guy.

From Disciple

On Amanda Waller/Checkmate: Right now, he’s privy to all of it and he’s on the quest to figure out what they’re up to and put an end to all of it. I think he and Clark are going to start working together on that, which is cool.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Smallville Quotes

I saw me, I mean, Clark Kent, disguised behind glasses and a bad haircut.


We'll have a better chance surviving your dad's desert than Zod's Thunderdome.
