Grey's Anatomy Spoilers: Calzona & Alex's One-Night Stand

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Who is the infamous woman Alex hooks up with? Will we finally get some hot Calzona action? Here's the latest from Matt Mitovich of Fancast on both those Grey's topics ...

Q: Do you know with whom Alex is supposed to have a one-night stand?

A: Indeed, “a lot of people do the deed” during the January 14 Grey’s Anatomy / Private Practice crossover episodes, Shonda Rhimes says in the new TV Guide Magazine.

Although Alex is married and as such is not supposed to get it on with anybody but his Mrs., I do know the identity of his indiscretion, and she has an “e” in her first name.

My advice to Dr. Karev: Dude, you better sort through whatever issues you’ve got and soon, because your wife, Izzie, is going to be resurfacing at Seattle Grace January 21!

An Arizona Pic
Party on Callie!

We love us some Calzona - and we doubt we're alone there!

Q: Can you help out some spoiler-hungry lesbians? We haven’t heard a peep regarding upcoming storylines and/or the next hurdle for Callie and Arizona on Grey’s Anatomy.

A: There’s a writers’ meeting going on right this second, so let me press my good ear against Ms. Rhimes’ door. Okay, I’m hearing fragments of conversation. “Callie battles” ... something ... “and Arizona is there by her side.” Hmm. Any theories yet?

Hold on, ABC security is walking by. [Whistling innocently while flipping through Men's Health] Back to the door: “but let’s also give them a good amount of make-out time!”

Does that suffice?

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.