Grey's Anatomy Crossover Spoilers: Mark and Addison

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The Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice crossover is in full swing next month, and Mark Sloan finds himself at the center of the medical - and personal - drama.

What's the latest on McSteamy, whose daughter's pregnancy presumably leads him to seek Addison's help? It's not good news, EW reports, for you Lexie fans.

The shows return January 14. Some excerpts from Michael Ausiello's spoiler Q&A ...

Q: Stop beating around the bush about Mark and Addison. What exactly goes on between them during the Grey’s Anatomy-Private Practice crossover next month?

A: Ever heard of the phrase, “Knocking boots ’til the cows come home?”

Q: Can we get some Mark and Lexie scoop? Seriously, we’ve heard everything about what's coming up next year for everyone on Grey’s Anatomy except them.

A: Ever heard of the phrase, “Deep doo-doo?” That’s pretty much where their relationship is headed. Let’s just say Mark may not be the only one doing a little two-timing.

Friends with Benefits?

Are you excited for some potential Maddison action?

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.