Gossip Girl Review: "The Debarted"

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It's amazing to think that after two and a half seasons of Gossip Girl, the show could still amaze us and bring its A+ game with an episode like "The Debarted," but it did.

From Chuck's inner turmoil to Serena's drama, Lily's letter and Jenny's dealings, the episode - written by co-executive producer Stephanie Savage - truly had everything.

Let's review the main plot points and why they were so awesome last night - and it's a good thing they were, because it looks like the show will be on hiatus 'til March ...

Dan tells Vanessa he loves her. She pays little attention and chalks it up to his emotions running wild after Serena's accident (more on that later). To be continued.

Eric tries to take down Jenny but you can't eff with an effer, E! Trying to portray her as evil and stage a revolt doesn't work when J buys her minions "it" handbags.

Intriguingly, we learn that Jenny’s financial wherewithal to stave off Eric's coup came from helping Damien deal drugs! We repeat: Jenny is dealing drugs! OMeffingG.

Chair Conversation

Blair tries to convince Chuck to go visit his dad’s grave on the anniversary of his death, but Chuck buries himself in real estate deals and cannot be bothered by it.

He is haunted by visits from Bart all day, telling him he's soft, and not good enough. But a crisis in the present time helps Chuck reflect on the events of a year ago.

When Serena's accident brings him to the hospital (we're getting to that, we swear), he flashes back to when Bart died, grieving in the hallway with the help of Blair.

Chuck realizes his problems stem from that day and in an awesome scene, finally opens up about it. Then he finally decides to go to his dad’s grave for the first time.

He pulls up to the cemetery, where a woman exclaims "Charles?!" and disappears into the mist on this foggy night. The implication: Chuck's mom is alive! WHAT?!

Serena Hospitalized!

Tripp wants it both ways with Serena, and not in a dirty fashion. When a powerful congressman wants to take him under his wing, his priorities shift yet again.

Tripp takes Serena to a secluded love-nest on Long Island, but lies to go meet his wife Maureen. Serena complains to Nate, who gets suspicious of what Tripp is up to.

Maureen confronts Serena and suggests Tripp stay married, sleep with S on the side and head to D.C. Oh, and Maureen's got Lily's letter! Let's hear it for blackmail!

Serena flips out and asks Tripp to drive her home. En route, he hits into a guard rail, leaving Serena bloody and out cold. He drags her into the driver's seat and runs!

Nate comes upon the crash and speaks to Serena, who is in and out of consciousness. He realizes Tripp's shady move and when he sees him later, punches him out!

All's well that ends well, though. Serena will be fine, Tripp is off to D.C., and Nate (it appears) is there to pick up the pieces of her broken heart. At least we can hope.

But just to stick it to Tripp's mistress one last time, Maureen decides to hand the goods over to Rufus even after got what she wanted. That is just cruel, Maureen.

The letter, of course, reveals that Lily and Serena's dad slept together while she said she was with Cece. At the end, Rufus is already thinking retaliatory affair. Gulp.

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Serena: Did you just get a key?
Girl: Yep. And my mom said I'd never get in unless I lost 10 pounds. She's a bitch.