Supernatural Producer Previews Upcoming Storylines

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Count Supernatural viewers among the few that hope this holiday season comes and goes with greater speed than Usain Bolt.

That's because The CW hit left fans with an emotional cliffhanger last week - two beloved characters died and Death was exhumed - but won't return until January 14.

Can we at least get an idea of what to expect when the series returns in 2010? Yes, says producer Sara Gamble. She shared a few spoilers with TV Guide Magazine...

On upcoming suffering: We are continuing to deal with the overarching storyline of the Apocalypse. The personal cost for our boys is real; they will suffer in every possible way. This season has been really funny but also very dark. The Supernatural palate has escalated due to the Apocalypse. We’re able to tell stories on a slightly larger scale.

Supernatural Showdown

On God: People are definitely looking for him. It’s an ongoing quest for Castiel. It’s vitally important for him and increasingly interesting for the boys. Historically Sam has more faith. The jury is out for Dean as to whether or not God currently exists.

On Lucifer: You’ll be seeing more of Lucifer. You’ll learn more about how his taking Sam over figures into his plans. And how he came to find Nick, who’s his current [host]. And you will definitely start to understand the Archangel Michael’s perspective. He’s trying to become embodied and Dean is the only possible vessel for him. He’s not walking around in the here and now, so we have to be creative in introducing Michael. You will meet him.

Can Christmas come early this year? We need Supernatural back on the air ASAP!

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Supernatural Quotes

I'll keep fighting. I'll keep swinging til I got nothing left.


Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.
