Smallville Producer Previews 2010 Storylines... and Beyond?

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Will there be a 10th season of Smallville?

What should fans expect on this show when it returns with new episodes in January?

Producer Brian Peterson spoke with TV Guide Magazine late last week and shared a few insights into upcoming series storylines. Warning, a few Smallville spoilers are ahead...

On the upcoming, two-hour episode: "Geoff Johns is writing the big Justice Society of America episode for us, and when we got into it, we realized that is so much bigger than just one episode. We have basically turned it into a mini-movie. And from the footage that is coming in, it looks as good if not better than any hero movie that has been out in the last two years."

Pandora Pic

On Zod's future: "Zod has had plans that will be quickly unveiled... we will see Zod using all of his Kryptonian intuition and manipulation skills to basically achieve his quest of getting powers. He will do anything and use anyone along the way."

On a likely 10th season: "Our plan right now is a reflection over the 9 years and taking him out of the darkness that we’ve had, with him in the black suit and where he went after Jimmy’s death, and taking him to a place of balancing his Kryptonian side and his human side - which he’s not doing perfectly this year.

"It would be him learning how to be Clark Kent and the entity that will be known as Superman."

In other words: it would be awesome!

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Smallville Quotes

I saw me, I mean, Clark Kent, disguised behind glasses and a bad haircut.


We'll have a better chance surviving your dad's desert than Zod's Thunderdome.
