Private Practice Recap: "The Hard Part"

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Last night's episode of Private Practice, while it certainly had its moments, felt a bit uneven and forced at times to us. Both plots felt a little far-fetched. Do you agree?

Even if you like Addison and Sam together, which we admit we do, it seemed like the way they got closer was both obvious and hard to believe, given what happened.

Also, what is a woman whose due date is that day doing driving in the middle of nowhere? No one has any cell service? What are the odds of them all being trapped?

Meanwhile, at the practice, the erection situation mirrored an episode of Season 2 of Grey's. Only this was much more dubious. The girl really got pregnant by someone else?

Not to mention the fact that Charlotte's admission of her past marriage, while well done, didn't really make sense to us as far as how it would convince the kid to stay.

Still, it'll be interesting to see where Sam and Addison are headed, we love Charlotte and Coop, and the subplot with Pete and Sheldon last night as a real crowd-pleaser.

Follow the link for a full recap of last night's "The Hard Part."

Bruised, Battered, Helpful

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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It's a beautiful day to save lives.


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