Photo Gallery: "Treasure of Serena Madre"

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Below are a dozen promotional photos for the November 30 episode of Gossip Girl, "Treasure of Serena Madre." There is no new episode this coming Monday.

It's Thanksgiving, as you can probably tell, and there's going to be lots of drama as Serena ends up at dinner with Tripp and Maureen for reasons unknown.

We'll also see what happens with D and V, and there are some cute Chair photos here to make fans of that couple very happy. Click to enlarge the pics ...

Hottest Couple of All Time
van der Woodsen Girls
Lily Bass Pic
Tripp, Serena
Strolling Chair
Nate and Maureen
Maureen van der Bilt
Chair Contemplates

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Serena: Did you just get a key?
Girl: Yep. And my mom said I'd never get in unless I lost 10 pounds. She's a bitch.