Krista Vernoff Reflects on "Holidaze"

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Krista Vernoff, Grey's Anatomy executive producer and the head writer on last week's episode, "Holidaze" has posted some thoughts on the episode on the show's official writers' blog.

Below are excerpts, with a link at the bottom to the full entry ...


Can we talk about the hot hot hot HOT Owen Cristina kissing??? Oh my God, I’m like a fan girl, I can’t help it. And how about the scene where Owen whispered into Teddy’s mouth, “I’m in love with Cristina.” I wrote it. I pictured it. But when I saw it?

I seriously threw up a little in my mouth.

It was SO brutal – and what was so brutal is that Owen didn’t mean to be brutal. He clearly loves them both. Which is impossible. And devastating. I mean it – how could Teddy not love him? Playing guitar one minute, torturedly whispering into her mouth the next.

There’s so much more in this episode – Mark Sloan becoming the sexiest Grandpa on TV and Meredith making a deal with the devil and Arizona and Derek and Mark paying their own hard-earned money to save the life of a very sick little boy.

It made my heart happy, that story. And so did the story of the woman living without a heart for all that time and surviving. Both of those stories were our little gift to you, to send you into this holiday season with a little more hope and optimism.

Follow the link for the entirety of Krista's blog ...

Arizona Picture
Oh, Der

These two did everything to save their patient. Even pay for his treatment.

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.