Grey's Anatomy Episode Guide: "Invest in Love"

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Last night was all about children in distress. Very different kinds of distress.

Whether it was Alex giving a prematurely-born infant skin-on-skin contact to help it survive just another minute, or Cristina and Jackson going rogue in the O.R., limits where pushed.

Sadly, for Arizona, she was unable to save the life of a patient she cared for deeply. But if there was any silver lining to be found, perhaps someone finally got through to the Chief.

Jessica Capshaw in particular was brilliant last night, proving that hospitals are not just about dollars and cents, but a sense of compassion. Another terrific performance by the cast.

For the complete rundown, check out our episode recap of "Invest in Love."


It was Arizona's time to shine last night - in an unexpected way.

Within the episode main page you will see links to Grey's Anatomy quotes, music, photos and videos, which we're working on now. These are available for all episodes!

What did you think of last night's Grey's Anatomy? How did it stack up with last week's? Do you like the creative direction the show is taking? Share!

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.