Will Chloe and Clark Hook Up on Smallville?

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Forget Team Jacob vs. Team Edward for a moment.

Smallville fans have their own ongoing debate: Team Chloe vs. Team Lois.

While Superman lore clearly favors Lois over Chloe, a handful of long-time fans are still hoping the latter has a chance with Clark. Does she? TV Guide posed this question to Smallville producer Kelly Souders?

"I hate saying never because it's Smallville," Souders replied. "But this year, fans will see that both of them have maybe moved on to people who are strangely more suited for each other."

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Are you on Team Chloe or Team Lois?

The character development for Chloe and Clark has, in many ways, created basic differences between them.

"When you think of a guy who has just walked through life and had all the power in the world — even though he's had troubles, it's not such a challenge for him in some ways," Souders said. "Chloe is somebody who's had a lot of trauma in her life and has done an amazing job of pulling herself up by her bootstraps. But it gives both of them a very different outlook on life.

"In some ways, they were much more similar when they were younger [and] were more naïve about the world. They've both grown up a lot and Chloe has really come into her own, just as Clark has."

Souders does confirm that the pair's friendship will blossom again, even as Clark grows closer to Lois romantically this season.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Smallville Quotes

I saw me, I mean, Clark Kent, disguised behind glasses and a bad haircut.


We'll have a better chance surviving your dad's desert than Zod's Thunderdome.
