Why Don't the Heroes Unite?

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Each week, following a new episode of Heroes, we typically post a Round Table review of the previous night's installment.

But we just can't do it today. We found this week's episode to be far too depressing. Any Round Table discussion would be filled with negative, unproductive insults directed at the show's writers.

Instead, we'd like to offer a suggestion - and we'd love readers feedback on it...

Every season of Heroes is set up in exactly the same way: the main characters are apart, trying to live relatively normal lives, only for evil forces to eventually bring them together for a volume-ending battle.

Is there any doubt this will take place once again, as everyone reunites to take down Samuel and/or Sylar?

Considering how played out this formula has become, we can't help but wondering: why do Tim Kring and company continue to go down the same path each season? The Heroes clearly work well together, many of them even get along.

Why not have the group actually work together? Why not have a season's worth of episodes that focuses on the Heroes as actual superheroes, avenging villains and battling for mankind?

Nathan vs. Canine

Hey, Nathan, if you truly wanna help people, you can do more good as a flying superhero than one of 50 state senators.

Most fans of the show's critically-acclaimed first season pointed to the clear inspiration comic books had on the drama. Along those same lines, we'd love to see Heroes take a page from X-Men or The Justice League of America.

Wasn't it nice to see Claire and Peter interact for a few brief moments last night? The latter is the only character to actually use his powers for good these days. Why hasn't Claire come to the same realization? She wants to be a normal college student? Why?!? Imagine if Peter Parker shared that boring dream. Or if Clark Kent was content to just be a reporter.

The same with Parkman. He's a police officer that can use his ability to send criminals to jail... and he chooses not to because of some unexplained "addiction" to this power? Lame! (And very selfish!)

We've been here with Heroes, we've done this. There's no intrigue whatsoever about whether or not forces will combine to bring these characters together again.

Instead of having its protagonists living separate lives, acting as if they don't have special talents that can truly help others, the show had a chance to establish HRG as the leader of a true group of superheroes, characters that are united for a common, noble cause. Why hide abilities at this point? Why make viewers suffer through hours and hours of each realizing they can never be normal and eventually using their common gifts for the greater good?

Fast forward through that part. Put the Heroes together and go from there. That's a show we'd love to watch.


Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys