Grey's Anatomy Spoilers: Latest on Calzona

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What's the latest with Arizona and Callie? Are we going to see them becoming more, um, intimate this season? Is the fact that we haven't yet a sign of trouble?

Here's TV Guide's take on that subject in its spoiler Q&A this week ...

Q: Are Callie and Arizona going to make it on Grey's Anatomy this season? They are great, butdon't seem as intimate as Callie was with Dr. Hahn (Brooke Smith).

A: Just because we haven't seen Callzona's sexy time on-screen, there's no reason to believe the ladies have intimacy issues. "I'm sure they've done it. I mean, come on!" Sara Ramirez said.

Callie and Arizona Kiss

Seattle Grace's gorgeous lesbian couple at Izzie's May wedding.

Ramirez does, however, see potential speed bumps ahead. "They will deal with some very universal relationship-type issues," she says. "I'm kind of nervous for Callie."

"She's never been this happy for so long. Something's going to happen."

How to Callie and Arizona rank among your favorite Grey's Anatomy couples (ones that don't involve McDreamy, that is)? Vote for your favorite Grey's twosome below ...

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.