Gossip Girl Threesome Update: More Clues

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A new article by Kristin Dos Santos of E! Online helps narrow down the possibilities for the upcoming Gossip Girl threesome scene, and you may be surprised.

Check out her clues below, along with some other miscellaneous scoop on Chair and Serenate, and see if that means we can now pinpoint who is involved.

We could've sworn it wouldn't work without someone in particular ...

  • One of the participants is not someone you would expect to film a threesome. That said, it's not over-the-top racy (it's the CW) so this actor's fairly pure image will probably just be a wee bit soiled, but not diiiirrrrty.
  • The threesome is definitely NOT Blair, Chuck and Nate.
  • Little J and Eric do not take part in menage-a-magic.
  • Chair does not take part in the three-way. Neither Chuck nor Blair.
  • The Gossip Girl threesome is two girls, a guy and ... a pizza place.
  • Chuck and Blair are still going strong as of episode 11. Sources are still reporting that they are the long-term Ross and Rachel of Gossip Girl.
  • This just in from a rock solid source, which should excite some fans: I think a Nate-Serena pairing is VERY much a possibility this season!
  • A name who is NOT involved, who I could have SWORN would be. Skanky ho biscuit Georgina is NOT part of the threesome. Shocking, no?

So based on this, it's totally gotta be Dan-Vanessa-Olivia, right? Or are we still reaching at this point? Leave a comment below and tell us what you think ...

Hilary Duff and Penn Badgley
She's Szohr 2 Please

Hey, that's totally who we're gonna hit it with tonight!

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Serena: Did you just get a key?
Girl: Yep. And my mom said I'd never get in unless I lost 10 pounds. She's a bitch.