Do You Miss Ethan on 90210?

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Remember Ethan?

The character was a major focus on season one of 90210, as he started by dating Naomi, almost took Annie to bed for her first time and made out with Silver.

But then, poof, he was gone! Off to Montana for good and scarcely spoken of again after the first episode of season two.

Goodbye, Ethan

The series has replaced him with new, male characters Liam and Teddy, while giving Dixon and Navid more prominent role. Still, we can't help but wonder: was this a good move? Do you miss Ethan at all?

Sound off in our 90210 forum and vote in our poll below:

Do you miss Ethan?

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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