Cassidy Freeman Previews Evil Tess on Smallville

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What happens when two evil characters join forces? Nothing good, as Smallville viewers will soon find out.

In a recent interview with TV Guide, Cassidy Freeman previewed her Tess' upcoming partnership with Zod.

In the excerpts below, the actress speaks on whether Tess is truly after the destruction of Earth, or is merely hoping to protect it...

On the burgeoning Tess and Zod relationship: The stakes just keep getting higher. We keep power-playing each other and we keep trying to win, and the other keeps winning each hand, but no one is really winning the whole game. He surprises me at an event, I can tell you that. He just shows up every time and catches me off guard.

On Tess turning evil: You're going to figure that out come midseason... she gets pretty evil. It's really like no holds barred. I'm willing to pretty much do anything to get what I want, which is a cure for the Earth, which is like a saving of Earth. Whatever I think that takes, I will do, but I do some pretty awful stuff.

As Tess Mercer

On Tess vs. Lois: Lois always interests me. I don't think that Tess really respects her too much. I think Tess thinks she's just a pawn that she needs to use. I know she's very connected to Clark, so that's why she's kept around. I know she might be foolish enough to let things out, or I think she'll be foolish enough to tell me secrets and tell me what she knows, but she never does. She's this funny, quirky girl that's such a hard-ass with Tess and frustrates the hell out of her.

We can't wait to watch it all develop. In the meantime, remember to visit TV Fanatic each week for the latest Smallville quotes.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Smallville Quotes

I saw me, I mean, Clark Kent, disguised behind glasses and a bad haircut.


We'll have a better chance surviving your dad's desert than Zod's Thunderdome.
